Painting Statement

Jaime Ellsworth, painter of dogs, cats and other creatures, is a collector of creatures that range in size from very small to a couple of miniature horses. 

Jaime’s simplified color palette with her graphic portray of these animals convey a sense of dignity, and perhaps humor that we humans find in our animal world. A look, a touch and a lick, our animals demand attention from all of our senses. Looking at Jaime’s work, give us entrance into this private special world.

Simple forms are consistent in all my art and I enjoy working in series depicting relationships, discovery and contrast. This latest series offers visual interpretations of my experiences and observations of everyday life. These paintings more so than any I have done before are very personal studies of time and the effects of its passage. Each of the paintings grow and change over the course of time I spend with them and although I begin with an idea of what I want to achieve the paintings ultimately emerge from thoughts and feelings deep within me that direct the outcome of their final appearance.

My paintings are composed of many layers of oil bar, acrylics or encaustic wax beginning with a limited palette of bold colors on canvas or wood panels. Subsequent layers allow small glimpses into earlier translations of the composition and ascend to complete the work. Transparent glazes give the final surface a subtle tint.

With each work, I invite the viewer to first look at the simplicity of the image and then beyond, opening the door to the imagination.

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The List

Painting by Jaime Ellsworth


Painting by Jaime Ellsworth


Painting by Jaime Ellsworth

Little Black Dress

Painting by Jaime Ellsworth


Painting by Jaime Ellsworth

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